Tooth extractions are common dental procedures performed by general dentists. They can be a result of decay, disease, or a fracture. While the dentist may introduce it to preserve oral health, it is important to know what to expect during and after the operation.

Types of tooth extractions

There are two types of tooth extractions, namely simple and surgical. Most dentists will prefer to perform the former to reduce healing times, but sometimes the latter is necessary. Simple tooth extractions involve numbing the area surrounding the targeted tooth. That way, when the dentist uses forceps to wiggle the tooth back and forth to free it from the socket, the patient will feel nothing.

The dentist will numb the area for surgical tooth extractions so patients feel no discomfort. Teeth that are impacted or broken will require this form of extraction. Wisdom teeth also require surgical extraction. The dentist will use a scalpel to make an incision in the gum line to free the tooth from its socket. Usually, traditional or dissolvable stitches will follow the procedure.

What to expect after a tooth extraction

Following either type of tooth extraction, the patient will be numb for a few hours. However, in most cases, they can drive themselves home but may need to take the day off work or school. The dentist will inform patients if they should arrange a ride home during their initial consultation. They will also prescribe pain medication or recommend an over-the-counter option for patients to take for a few days following the extraction.

Patients must adhere to a soft-food or liquid diet the first week after tooth extraction. However, do not use a straw, as this can disturb the blood clot forming in the socket. Healing typically takes several weeks, which is plenty of time for patients to consider their replacement options if they have not already.

Tooth replacement options

Replacing the missing tooth is important for several reasons. The main ones are to prevent the shifting of teeth, the deterioration of the gums and jawbone, and improper oral function. All these things can happen within a matter of months following a tooth extraction. Therefore, depending on the state of the patient's oral condition, the dentist will recommend one of the following:

Complete dentures

Complete or traditional dentures are for those missing all teeth on one or both arches. Partial dentures are for those missing one or a few teeth in various locations. Both types of dentures can be removable or fixed (ideal option) with the help of dental implants.

Dental bridge

The appliance is fixed to the patient's teeth adjacent to the gap left behind by the missing tooth. The dentist will consider the appliance for those missing one to four teeth in a row.

Dental implants

Dental implants act as anchors for dentures, bridges, or dental crowns (caps). They require multiple surgical procedures, as the titanium posts are implanted into the jawbone, and an abutment, which sits on top of the post, juts out from the gum line. This piece allows the restoratives to be attached.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Tooth Extraction in Stoughton, MA

Call us for more information

While dental professionals aim to preserve your natural teeth, the overall goal is to preserve your overall oral health, and that sometimes requires a tooth extraction. We are here to do just that. Contact our office for more information regarding the procedure and tooth replacement options for after.

Request an appointment or call Dentistry on Park, LLC at 781-443-8131 for an appointment in our Stoughton office.

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